This is the first option off of the flex. If 2 is not open on the basket cut, then 4 can dribble away from the zone towards the right side wing area. 4 passes to 2 and then cuts through the paint to the rim and then out to the weak side wing. 3. After the cut, 3 fills the weakside corner position since 5 has filled 3s previous position on the wing. Watch the Cutters! After setting the second screen 1 clears out to weak side slot. By implementing this variation to the 5-out motion offense you will achieve two things. I have broken the 4 out 1 in motion offense down into 7 progressions to teach a team the offense from scratch. But by using the progressions in this blog post, I dont think its difficult for any team to learn! Simple, man-to-man offense drives defenses crazy As that cutting action occurs, 2 fills the right side wing, 4 fills the top, and 1 fills the left side wing. Players learn to read their teammates and defenders and make decisions accordingly. Gonzaga Continuity Basketball Offense, in this video I breakdown the Gonzaga Continuity Basketball Offense play that they use. This turns into a double-staggered screen for 4. 2 and 3 both slide down to the corners to open up passing angles. DIAGRAM 2: Slice-Cut offense (Option A). In this option 3 is now the point player and 1 is at the left-wing spot. If 5s defender is fronting him or her and 4s defender is playing tight 2 throws a lob pass in to 5. The 5-out motion offense is a great offense for any basketball coach to learn and implement with their team. This is an example of continuity scoring options within a zone offense strategy that utilizes the short corners of the court to create scoring opportunities against the 2-3 zone defense. This ensures that the 5-out motion offense continues to run smoothly. Affiliate Disclosure : I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases made through the links below. Next, 1 dribbles toward the high post area via a ball screen set by 5. If the cutter decides to pop out to the perimeter, the screener will cut to the rim and then fill the corner. Heres how it works on a top to wing pass. Within any 2-3 zone there is an area between the bottom line of defenders and the free-throw line that is usually left open for a majority of the possession. Creates positionless players All 5 players on the court are required to pass, cut, dribble, shoot, screen, etc. The opposition cant crowd the key area All defenders on the opposition team will be required to guard all areas of the floor. If 3 is not open, then 3 continues to cut out towards the left side corner. 4 clears to the corner and the flex offense pattern continues. Views: 11136. 1. 1. If the defender is trailing them, curl to the rim. 1. If 4 did not receive the ball from 2, then the chin series flows into the continuity pattern, which would be executed on the opposite side of the floor. The Shuffle offense is a basketball offensive strategy that utilizes the shuffle cut alongside continuity patterns to create scoring opportunities, particularly near the basket. 3. It will all come together. This is an example of a scoring option within a continuity ball screen offense which utilizes a 1-4 high formation. Following that action, 4 dribbles toward the left side of the court via a ball screen set by 5. Rick Pitino leaves Iona for St. Johns on 6-year deal, Adams resigns from Texas Tech following racial remarks, Iowa student section ejected for bullying refs, NFL player hosts AAU basketball team training sessions, Vermont girls basketball team forfeits game against team with transgender player, 2012 NIAAA Video: Requiring Photo ID At Events, The Overlake School: When Seniors Dont Make The Varsity Team, Haase: Coaching At Arrowhead: A Dream Come True. Also, as that occurs, 2 fills the right side wing area while 5 cuts to the left side high post elbow area. 5-Out Motion Offense - Complete Coaching Guide - Basketball For Coaches 1. Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive three free eBooks with over 270 pages of content! Interested in reading the print issue of Coach and Athletic Director? Gonzaga Continuity Basketball Offense - YouTube 4 passes to 1 on the slot to slot pass. Dont be afraid to allow your starting post player to flash to the basketball while keeping your backup post player exclusively on the weak side when theyre in the game. continue , Craig Haase, Head Boys Basketball Coach at Arrowhead High School (Hartland, Wis.), is thankful for the opportunity to coach at Arrowhead for many reasons, including the staff, hard-working athletes and being an Arrowhead alumnus. continue , Share on Facebook If 2 receives the ball but does not shoot it, that essentially triggers the continuity action of the offense. 5 Out Motion Offense : Basic Concepts and Simple Examples - Hoop Student The 1-3-1 Patterned Offense is a simple offense that can be useful as a starting set for young teams or can be the basis of a number of variations for more senior teams. The post player must have rules theyre required to follow. Coach - It has been several years since I watched the DVD but I remember Don Kelbick talking about how to handle that on his Flex Offense DVD. Furthermore, as that happens, 4 cuts behind 3 towards the top. 5 Out Motion Offense by Hardwood Texas. Following that action, if 3 did not receive the ball, then 3 could cut to the right side wing via the pin down screen set by 4. 2. If 4 doesnt receive the pass, they fill to weak side wing while 3 fills to the next slot position. Noticing this, 2 immediately back cuts. 5 slides up the key to open up the passing lane since their defender must help. For my youth teams, I have them automatically back cut on a dribble at. Seeing this, 4 rolls to the front of the rim looking for the catch and layup. Following that, 3 cuts to the basket via the back screen set by 5 and could receive the ball from 2 if open. In this scenario 1s defender is unable to provide backside help because of 4s screen. This assumes youre only being denied one pass away from the basketball. It allows players to practice all skills, gets the whole team involved, and can be easy to teach as long as youre using the right progressions and not trying to implement the whole offense at once. The types of basketball offensive strategies that could implement continuity patterns include systems such as the 3 out 2 in motion offense, the 4 out 1 in motion offense, the 5 out motion offense, the flex offense, and the Princeton offense among others. For the perimeter players, there are 4 spots around the three-point arc that are primarily used in the 4-out 1-in motionoffense. The other four players crash the boards. To take advantage of this, any time a player basket cuts they must hook and look when passing through that area of the paint. 1 will then basket cut making sure they step within the charge and then replace 2 on the weakside wing. All 5 players get to play all 5 positions, which is excellent for player development. Flare Screen for the Slot Player Fire. At the same time, 2 can relocate to the right side short corner, shown with the gray arrow. 3 then fills out to the weak side wing (the position they started in). 4. If 2 doesnt receive the pass from 1, they pop back out to the same position. Explain to your players that any time their defender has a hand in the passing lane whilst the player with the basketball is one-pass away and looking at you, you must back cut immediately. 3. Continuity offenses, like the ones detailed below, can be played out again and again until the offense scores. If running a hand0ff, the other offensive players must read this and stay in their spots. On the other hand, if 5 is not open, then 3 receives the ball from 2. 6. 4. Additionally, 2 can receive the ball from 4, shown with the gray dotted arrow, and take the jump shot if open. Constant cutting movement - In addition to guarding screens, the defense has to control the constant cuts by the offense. Doing so will make the cutter a threat to score which will force weak side defense to help. 1. 5. One thing a lot of coaches will find confusing is that since all our players are standing outside the three-point line, whos going to rebound!? 2. Ive seen this run successfully by a few teams but it makes the offense too restricted and predictable. Once 1 has cut, 3 and 5 must fill up the positions closer to the basketball. Once your team has mastered the basic progressions of the 5-out motion offense, you can choose to add a more advanced flex cut progression. dealing with parents, etc).- Courses to make your coaching life a whole lot less stressful. And the 7,000 word 4-out 1-in motion guide has come to an end! Afterwards, 2 cuts to the basket via the back screen set by 5 and could receive the ball from 4. Being a very common offense, even if you dont use it with your own team, its important for all coaches to learn about so that they know how to defend when playing against it. If the defender anticipates the screen and cheats over, the player receiving the screen can back cut to the rim. Just like in the screening away progression, players must be giving a visual and verbal cue to the player theyre about to set an on-ball screen for by saying their name and holding up a fist. 5. Simply subscribe to our monthly newsletter and receive: 72 Basketball Drills & Coaching Tips - 136 page eBook, 21 Basketball Tips & Tricks for Players - 20 page eBook, 32 Winning Basketball Plays - 96 page eBook, Over 200,000 players, coaches and parents subscribed. When this happens, the two offensive players involved (the dribbler and the player theyre dribbling towards) have two options. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn commissions on qualifying purchases from the website, To begin, 2 receives the ball from 1 and afterwards, 1 cuts to the basket via the back screen set by 5. This leaves the two slot players to transition back on defense. 1 passes to 4. Do not sell or share my personal information. But instead of filling to the same side, 2 sets a flex screen for 5. If 4 is not open, then 4 fills the right side low post block. 2. 4. Furthermore, 4 rolls to the basket while 5 replaces at the top. DIAGRAM 9: Wing downscreen for point player. Also, as that occurs, 2 fills the right side wing area while 5 cuts to the left side high post elbow area. There are 4 progressions that you gradually introduce one by one into the continuity of your 5-out motion offense. 5. 3s defender cheats and goes under the screen so 3 pops out to the top perimeter position to catch and look for the open shot. 2 uses the on-ball screen and drives hard to the rim surveying the options that are presented. Moreover, 5 could execute a small cut to the basket, receive the ball from 2, and then score near the rim, shown with gray arrows. 4 looks to hit 1 coming off the screen. 4. 1 passes from the slot to 3 on the wing. 1. If 2 is open, then 2 could receive the ball from 1. Add Back Cuts to Pass, Cut, and Fill3. The post player always fights to the front of the rim on a shot from anywhere on the floor. The movements are simple to execute and therefore allow it to be an effective offense for youth teams that come up against a zone. When teaching the 5-out motion offense to your team for the first time, I highly recommend you use cones to mark these 5 spots on the floor to allow players to get used to where each position is. 4. From this point, the continuity gets initiated with a sequence featuring a back screen, ball screen, and screen away action. 1 and 3 both slide down to the corner to open up the passing angle for the three-point shot. I think we can all agree that setting an on-ball screen for the power forward who isnt a great dribbler is never a good idea! 4 passes to 2 in the corner and then sets an on-ball screen on their defender. If those options are not available, then the continuity could get executed once again by 1 receiving the ball from 2 and then 4 receiving the ball from 1. Additionally, a continuity ball screen offense could also be beneficial for teams that are undersized, specifically at low post positions. Keep the post player on the weak side of the floor at all times. This allows the players to gradually learn the concepts of the 5-out motion offense without being overwhelmed with the entire offense all at once. 2 then takes a few steps in and then bursts out to the perimeter looking for the catch and shoot. 4. Right corner. If the shot is taken from inside the three-point line, encourage players inside the key to fight for offensive boards and those outside the three-point line to transition back on defense. After that, 4 dribbles toward the left side of the court via a ball screen set by 5. It can lead to some easy scores off the back cuts. Too often youth players will set screens too high that allow the defender to quickly slip under it. Send the offensive player theyre guarding into the post! Always watch the basketball on cuts. Villanova's 4 Out 1 In Motion Offense Hooper University The easiest way to begin teaching your team the 5-out offense is to start with the basic movements of passing and cutting in a 5-0 situation. Let your team know that when theyre not cutting, they must be in one of these 5 positions. Motion offense is a basketball offensive system that primarily utilizes at least one of the fundamental elements of passing, cutting, screening, or dribbling while also incorporating player movement and ball movement to create scoring opportunities near the basket or near the perimeter. This, in turn, opens up the low post, which also influences the low post defenders to play away from the basket. Any match up on the floor with an advantage in the post can use this technique. If theyre not, keep them mostly on the weak side of the floor.

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