A purchase order has been placed with VolkerLaser, who are the preferred contractors. (Originally a single-decker, re-bodied as a double-decker when sold to Barton in 1957). Donations can be made online here. Your gift makes a huge difference. Barnum Open Saloon No 664 built in 1910. It's estimated three million pounds will be needed to complete them. This section will cost approximately three million pounds; roughly the amount we have already raised and spent on Reunification. If you're already giving to the Factory Flyover phase of Reunification via a standing order, your donations will continue to flow into that "pot". Contents 1 History: 1.1 New name: 1.1.1 Coat of arms: Reunification with Rail Riders. Any support you give can really make a difference. Over a year that's a very special contribution.You can download a standing order form here. site - ERIH Home I want to go there! Our team is made up of all sorts of people, each with a pair of boots and the enthusiasm to build something remarkable. A small gift every week (say 3 - the price of a coffee) adds up to £12 a month. (Being restored undercover), GCR Clerestory brake coach 1663. What a milestone! Appeal reaches 150,000. You can also give online using a credit card or debit card here, or you can make a one off donation cheque through the post, using this form. In a two day operation at the start of July, the two elegant side panels of the canal bridge were first lifted and then bolted into place. The line was opened in 1899 and built by the Great Central Railway running from Sheffield in the North of England, southwards through Nottingham and Leicester to Marylebone in London. Barton Transport Leyland Leopard HAL 703J, built in 1970. Posted on 6th July 2020. As you know at the start of October the old bridge was removed but most of the original abutments have been retained and repaired. Barnum Brake Coach No 695 built in 1910. Our fundraising has now passed the half a million pounds mark, towards our estimated three million pound cost for these next two phases. (Stored) (NOTE: Is the only original GCR coach owned by the National collection), GCR Barnum bar coach 228. Price. There's a new project film to bring you right up to date at the GCR YouTube channel here. If you want to see this happen, now is a great time to get on board. One plea from the appeal team; we can't easily get to the post box or the bank at the moment. .mw-parser-output .RMbox{box-shadow:0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.14),0 1px 5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.12),0 3px 1px -2px rgba(0,0,0,.2)}.mw-parser-output .RMinline{float:none;width:100%;margin:0;border:none}.mw-parser-output table.routemap{padding:0;border:0;border-collapse:collapse;background:transparent;white-space:nowrap;line-height:1.2;margin:auto}.mw-parser-output table.routemap .RMcollapse{margin:0;border-collapse:collapse;vertical-align:middle}.mw-parser-output table.routemap .RMreplace{margin:0;border-collapse:collapse;vertical-align:middle;position:absolute;bottom:0}.mw-parser-output table.routemap .RMsi{display:inline;font-size:90%}.mw-parser-output table.routemap .RMl1{padding:0 3px;text-align:left}.mw-parser-output table.routemap .RMr1{padding:0 3px;text-align:right}.mw-parser-output table.routemap .RMl{text-align:right}.mw-parser-output table.routemap .RMr{text-align:left}.mw-parser-output table.routemap .RMl4{padding:0 3px 0 0;text-align:left}.mw-parser-output table.routemap .RMr4{padding:0 0 0 3px;text-align:right}.mw-parser-output table.routemap>tbody>tr{line-height:1}.mw-parser-output table.routemap>tbody>tr>td,.mw-parser-output table.RMcollapse>tbody>tr>td,.mw-parser-output table.RMreplace>tbody>tr>td{padding:0;width:auto;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .RMir>div{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;padding:0;height:20px;min-height:20px}.mw-parser-output .RMir img{height:initial!important;max-width:initial!important}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMov{position:relative}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMov .RMic,.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMov .RMtx{position:absolute;left:0;top:0;padding:0}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMtx{line-height:20px;height:20px;min-height:20px;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMsp{height:20px;min-height:20px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMtx>abbr,.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMtx>div{line-height:.975;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMts{font-size:90%;transform:scaleX(.89)}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMf_{height:5px;min-height:5px;width:20px;min-width:20px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMfm{height:100%;min-height:100%;width:4px;min-width:4px;margin:0 auto}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMo{width:2.5px;min-width:2.5px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMc{width:5px;min-width:5px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMoc{width:7.5px;min-width:7.5px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMd{width:10px;min-width:10px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMod{width:12.5px;min-width:12.5px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMcd{width:15px;min-width:15px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMocd{width:17.5px;min-width:17.5px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_{width:20px;min-width:20px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_o{width:22.5px;min-width:22.5px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_c{width:25px;min-width:25px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_oc{width:27.5px;min-width:27.5px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_d{width:30px;min-width:30px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_od{width:32.5px;min-width:32.5px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_cd{width:35px;min-width:35px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_ocd{width:37.5px;min-width:37.5px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMb{width:40px;min-width:40px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMcb{width:45px;min-width:45px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMdb{width:50px;min-width:50px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMcdb{width:55px;min-width:55px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_b{width:60px;min-width:60px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_cb{width:65px;min-width:65px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_db{width:70px;min-width:70px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_cdb{width:75px;min-width:75px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMs{width:80px;min-width:80px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMds{width:90px;min-width:90px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_s{width:100px;min-width:100px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_ds{width:110px;min-width:110px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMbs{width:120px;min-width:120px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMdbs{width:130px;min-width:130px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_bs{width:140px;min-width:140px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_dbs{width:150px;min-width:150px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMw{width:160px;min-width:160px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_w{width:180px;min-width:180px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMbw{width:200px;min-width:200px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_bw{width:220px;min-width:220px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMsw{width:240px;min-width:240px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_sw{width:260px;min-width:260px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RMbsw{width:280px;min-width:280px}.mw-parser-output .RMir .RM_bsw{width:300px;min-width:300px}. Meanwhile we can't thank the people who have given us this Our to do list then is, (i) keep raising money (ii) secure planning consent for the work and (iii) begin building again hopefully towards the end of the year. While one of the reclaimed Reading bridge decks will still be used to cross Railway Terrace road, the remainder of the new sixty metres of formation are expected to be created using pre stressed concrete bridge beams and decks. We began with one hundred thousand pounds and thanks to the incredible generosity of supporters around the country we've reached one hundred and fifty thousand pounds." AMBITIOUS RAILWAY LINK UP PLAN 30th March. Thank you for your support. We're going to concentrate on the Factory Flyover this year. As always, your donations count. The GCR(N) aim to re-open the former station at East Leake in the longer term. While we have commissioned consulting engineers to help guide us towards spades going back into the ground, we will not build until we have the majority of the funds in place. There's plenty of good news to share with you, not least of which is the current amount raised for the Factory Flyover phases of the project. Save for some finishing off work the new A60 bridge is all but ready to play its part in bringing two halves of the Great Central together. Crack express trains with restaurant cars ran between Sheffield and London Marylebone over impressive viaducts, calling at large stations. Then we were amazed to The money raised by the appeal so far will be used to complete planning work and obtain permissions so construction crews can begin immediately when the fundraising target is reached. It has period signalling, locomotives and rolling stock. planned fundraising work, this is a most welcome Christmas gift which has surprised We can also accept donations online if you're staying inside. It's the only place in the world where full size steam engines can be seen passing each other - just as it was when steam ruled the rails. Posted on 6th July 2020. That's because many generous people like you are still contributing every month towards Reunification. The old abutments have been reduced in height. Barnum's travelling circus) and some items that even herald from the days of the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railwaythe GCR's title before completing the London extension. It even includes a foreword by Sir Peter Hendy, the Chairman of Network Rail. Under the dynamic leadership of Edward Watkin it built a "London Extension" from Annesley, north of Nottingham, to a terminus at Marylebone in London, which was opened in 1899. It's crossing the site of the original GCR station at Finmere in Oxfordshire. Rushcliffe Halt railway station is named after the nearby "Rushcliffe Golf Club". Thank you very much for your support. This has now been updated with an alternative system of work. We're sorry for the disruption to road traffic. we hope to have more news early in 2021. now is a good time to read the new booklet that went out with Main Line and fill in the forms. New Great Central Railway Reunification bridge visualised for the first time. You can make donations via this website by clicking here, FIRST 10,000 RECEIVED FOR A60 BRIDGE APPEAL. Email blycett.gcr@gmail.com to order. One will carry this connecting line to the Midland Main Line, the other will carry the through line for heritage steam and diesel trains. Once part of the Great Central Main Line from Sheffield to London, our route runs from Ruddington (just south of Nottingham) to the northern edge of Loughborough. You can also donate online by clicking here. So we're now at 20,000! (painted army green). If everyone who reads this news item was able to set up a standing order for a few pounds every month, we'd race forward. 12th May 2020. It's built on the course of the Great Central, which crossed the station in exactly the same spot, only that was demolished years ago. They will be used in the construction of the Reunification scheme, giving the new project a real connection to the past. Or make a 10 donation by texting the word Unify to 70191 For full terms and conditions, see http:// platform.nationalfundingscheme.org/ terms- and-conditions This will enable both the track to the midland mainline chord and the future line from GCR south to pass over the newly-constructed bridge. To everyone who has supported the appeals and got involved, a heartfelt thank you. Thank you for every donation you make. We can't start building the next section until we have the vast majority of the finance in place. You can make an online donation here. place for the next two phases before we can appoint contractors. Naturally, although we have released all the matched funding, the overall Reunification Appeal is still very much open, so if you would still like to contribute, or start a Standing Order, the same routes to donate are still open (you can make an online donation here). The existing 120 year old structure has been struck many times by over height lorries. The chairman of The Friends of The Great Central Main Line Andy Fillingham explained, "Our Reunification project is one of the biggest schemes on any heritage railway in the UK. We'll have more news about the progress of this work as soon as possible. The railway is currently not connected to Great Central Railway (at Loughborough Central in Leicestershire), although there are plans well underway and work has started to reunite the two preserved lines by bridging the Loughborough Gap. Thank you for all your support. A team worked from the top - and from underneath using a pontoon and scaffold tower on the canal. Two parts have already been completed, the new A60 bridge is the third. By midday by the original decks had been removed and some scrap metal removed from site. Andy Fillingham, Chairman of the Friends of the Great Central Main Line said, "Friends has driven forward the fundraising for the Reunification project. There's lots of good news. History [ edit] New name [ edit] Ironically, it was British Gypsum's intention to renew rail freight traffic that was the catalyst that allowed the GCR(N) to buy the line and restore it initially for freight use. Our exciting project appeal Bringing the two halves of the GCR back together will guarantee a home for large locomotives, operating heritage trains with heritage infrastructure right in the heart of the country. Once again, we deeply appreciate your support for the project. A million pounds has now been raised to fund a further two stages of the Great Central Railway's ambitious Reunification project. If Money Match March is fully subscribed we'll have another two hundred thousand pounds in the pot. Donations can be made online here. Work on the canal bridge has all but drawn to a close with contractors laying water proof coverings on the decks and completing repairs to the brick work. The first picture shows the east side panel in place and being bolted down. Grouping to Closure - 1923 to 1969. Please watch our film below, and you can make donations at via this website by clicking here. [citation needed]. Two tracks over the bridge are essential to secure a future connection with the mainline. Andy Fillingham, Chairman of the Friends of the Great Central Main Line - the membership club of the One long term aim of the NTHC is to extend their line northwards from Ruddington to join up with the Nottingham tram network and on to Nottingham city centre which would allow them to reopen the station at Ruddington. BR Weltrol 900937 built in 1960, a standard gauge well wagon for carrying narrow gauge rolling stock; built 1960. All that in a fortnight! However we'd really urge you to consider donating by standing order. Phases three and four, which involve crossing a road and a car park will be constructed together to save costs. Cheques for the appeal can be made payable to The David Clarke Railway Trust (with the work REUNIFICATION written on the back) and posted to DCRT, Lovatt House, 3 Wharncliffe Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 1SL. Friends of the Great Central Main Line from the southern end of the line has offered a further 10,000 - bringing the total up to 30,000 and the amount we still need to raise to 80,000. (painted army green), BR Palvan 778771 built in 1959. Once lifted upright and moved into place the crane then held them while they were bolted onto the east and west side beams. Two new specially designed and manufactured preformed concrete pieces (each requiring 44 tons of concrete) have been lowered into place, one on the northern abutment and one for the southern abutment. Get involved Please write on the back of the cheque A60 / Reunification. We want to start building again as soon as possible so your money goes into bricks, metal and concrete, rather than just fighting inflation. In the meantime, a special thank you to the Burton Railway Society. Great Central Railway (Nottingham) rebrands as Nottingham Heritage Railway 9th August 2021 Robin Jones News , Steam High Speed Train Class 43 power car No. (painted army green), BR Palvan 782111 built in 1960. A new 2.5m bridge, in Loughborough, is the first . The handrails were then fitted and two large crash protection beams were craned in. three hundred and seventy five thousand pounds towards the appeal total. : 32 On 1 August 1897, the railway's name was changed to Great Central Railway.Building work started in 1895, and the new line, 92 miles (147 km) in length, opened for coal traffic on 25 July 1898, for passenger traffic on 15 March 1899,: 132 and for goods traffic on 11 April 1899. Factory Flyover - Latest news This means there will be an extra few inches of headroom between the tarmac and the bottom of the bridge. The GNR north of the tunnel was the Leen Valley Extension Railway. When we can finally announce where we have got to, its going to be a big push towards Reunification. British Rail decided to maintain rail connection from Loughborough to Ruddington MoD depot until closure and the GCR main line became an unsignalled BR single-track branch. The depot was turned into the Nottingham Transport Heritage Centre (NTHC) and trains were run on a small length of line into the depot. This bridge now links the two separate sections of the NET tramway. (Operational, painted BR Black), BR Bogie Bolster 943545 built in 1953. (painted BR Bauxite), BR Palvan 776155 built in 1957. Next, as our fundraising campaign for the A60 bridge replacement last year went so well, we didn't need to dip into any funds we'd already raised. Give ten and it becomes twenty. It's a real people power project and we hope even though we live in economically tight times you will still be able to help. You don't have to be a railway professional to be part of it. Posted on 4th December 2020, 'The ideal Christmas present' say fundraisers. The railway crossed built-up Leicester on a Staffordshire blue brick viaduct, incorporating a series of fine girder bridges. A short branch line, once used by the MoD, leads over a level crossing to Fifty Steps . It's about fifty metres of new railway in total but a vital part of connecting the two halves of the Great Central Railway. "Seeing the completely refurbished canal bridge has given us all a huge psychological boost" said Andy Fillingham, chairman of the Friends of the Great Central Main Line who are leading the fundraising effort. Awaiting restoration. We're at the stage where every pound really does help move the project forward. Reunificaction appeal tops a quarter of a million! Good news everyone. If you're new to the scheme, take a look around the website and please consider a donation. The line was built for . (painted BR Bauxite), BR Widefit 783447 built in 1962. We'd like to thank everyone who has contributed so far to the next phase of the Reunification appeal. VolkerLaser are the lead contractor for the construction. At the Mountsorrel & Rothley Heritage Center Museum shed where it is displayed in fully-restored condition. Great Central Railway (Nottingham) - ERIH During the 1890s the Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway built its 'London Extension', more than 140 km long, from Annesley in Nottinghamshire through the centre of Nottingham, Loughborough and Leicester to Quainton Road in Buckinghamshi. Once again thank you. The Great Central Railway, between Leicester and Nottingham, was left with a 500m gap after infrastructure, including bridges, were removed. The Great Central Railway in England was formed when the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway changed its name in 1897, anticipating the opening in 1899 of its London Extension. More Stories. The books production has been sponsored by the Friends of the Great Central Main Line so every penny goes to the appeal. As well as regular services, GCRN also operate a host of Special Events and 'Gala' days. Pre planning application discussions have begun with landlord Charnwood Borough Council which will lead to the planning application itself in due course. For the same reasons it might take a little while to get standing orders running too. (painted army green), BR Widefit 784455 built in 1962. The History of the Great Central Railway On this website references to the "old" or "original" Great Central Railway refer, in the main, to the London Extension of the GCR which ran from Annesley, just north of Nottingham, through Nottingham Victoria, Leicester and Rugby to London Marylebone. than ten percent of the funding required is extraordinary. "It seems to have had a similar effect on everyone. The "London Extension" of the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway opened in 1899, by which time the company had changed its name to the Great Central Railway. We're based at Nottingham Transport Heritage Centre, next to Rushcliffe Country Park. It's going to cost around three million pounds. The brand new bridge over the A60 road - essential for Reunification - is making good progress.As you know, the old bridge has been removed and will be replaced by a brand new structure. Please help us seize this opportunity. From 2003, regular services to Rushcliffe Halt resumed. After the major part of the GCR main line was closed by British Rail in 1966, a section from Nottingham to Rugby was retained until 1969. There were pre-Christmas celebrations at the Great Central Railway when a fifty thousand pound grant arrived for the line's ambitious Reunification project. The Nottingham Heritage Railway[1] (formerly known as Great Central Railway (Nottingham) and Nottingham Transport Heritage Centre) is a heritage railway and transport museum on the south side of the village of Ruddington in Nottinghamshire. Work initially concentrated on restoring Rushcliffe Halt, but when Nottinghamshire County Council, which had acquired the whole of the 220 acre MoD site, agreed to lease 12 acres of the former MOD site to the Association, the grand scheme of the Nottingham Transport Heritage Centre was devised to encompass not only railway preservation but any transport heritage relevant to the area. Barton Transport Leyland BTS1 VVO 735, built in 1957. Railway Archive - The Last Main Line Archives From The Great Central Railway Examining the history and continued social, environmental and economic impact of the railway's 'London Extension', which ran between London and North Nottinghamshire from the 1890s to the 1960s. Every donation you give us helps on the way. Posted on 10th February 2021. At Rugby Central, the train is now ready in the northbound platform for the next service back to Nottingham, while a unit composed of M50763, M59310, and M50798 is in the siding. The new bridge is expected to be in place by late October / early November. However you have donated, it all counts and means we are really building momentum. During the work, some masonry has been recovered, including eight handsome Victorian bridge coping stones. The Great Central Railway in England was formed when the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway changed its name in 1897, anticipating the opening in 1899 of its London Extension. Another moment when the railway landscape of Loughborough changes.Over a two day operation the new bridge decks and collision protection beams for the A60 road crossing were craned into place. New Great Central Railway Reunification bridge visualised for the first time. There will need to be some more road closures. HOW TO DONATE TO THE REUNIFICATION PROJECT It was built by the Victorian navvies and was dug out by hand. The railway continues towards Loughborough, passing close to the hamlet of Stanford-on-Soar. Naturally, we've stood down all activity for now and we look forward to getting back on the road again when we can. Not only does Reunification unlock an eighteen mile railway just as importantly for the Great Central Railway in the south it allows access to the Midland Main Line, opening up the possibility of incoming charter trains, more frequently visiting large locomotives and easy access for companies who want to test vehicles and train staff. Between the Tunnel and Loughborough the line follows the ridge forming the Eastern side of the Soar Valley. The details of the stock are below. We would like to thank each and every one of you who has contributed for your generosity. The more of us giving a small amount of every month, the sooner we'll build not just the 'Factory Flyover' phases but the rest of the project too. With grateful thanks for all your support the funds available for building phase three and four continue to climb. (Operational), Mk1 TSO (Tourist Standard Open) 4207 in plain maroon livery. (Operational). In early March we set out to fundraise for the next stage which will see another two new bridges built. The busy A60 road was closed so the workforce could get cracking at 5am. "With costs of raw materials rising, we were delighted to receive such strong and timely support from so many people," continued Andy. Opened on 15 March 1899, the station was part of the Great Central Railway's London Extension linking Nottingham with Marylebone in London. The poor condition of the bridge has meant halting that traffic.When the two halves of GCR are finally reconnected, both bridge decks will be in use. The bus collection is available to view during the railway's open days. Awaiting restoration. Connecting the Great Central Railway to the national railway network will bring economic benefits to the We appreciate your generosity, patience and understanding. Your donations are making this work happen and driving forward Reunification. It was also considered that British Gypsum was unlikely to bring in any more bulk materials from coal-fired power stations by rail. The funds available climb all the time. While the bridge appears all but complete, there are some finishing off works including adding the waterproof layer to the top side of both decks.

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