Jon Simkins is a writer and editor for Military Times, and a USMC veteran. I'm a retired Army female. We should make those sadistic Kings and presidents who declare war be the ones who fight them. When the first bullet snaps past your ear, ALL style concerns are out the window. So if it wasn't a problem for them, why should it be for others as long as it did not endanger those around them. In Afghanistan, meanwhile, Hopper keeps his waiver on him at all times in case any superiors question the facial feature he refers to as a sacred and defining feature of masculine men. Regulations specify a beard can be no longer than 2 inches in length. I had to wear a adoft Hitler mustache for 22 yrs, which looked like crap! It helps to have a god on our side, no matter who we work for. Dont accept this finding! "This request is based on . How worthless to have their cry baby rooms to go when they get stressed out. Why the Bible Could Get Banned in Utah Schools, Church Claims Prayer Regrew Woman's Amputated Toes, Is There an Anti-Trans Holy War Brewing? Treat everyone with respect and dignity. Amy Minckler made the comment that as long as it doesn't endanger anyone but themselves, they should be allowed to have facial hair. Clean shaven men can think they look manly all they want, but that doesn't make it so. rank of Brig. The psychology of having bearded soldiers might only make the defenders of our nation tougher and more rugged, than the clean shaven soldiers of other nations. Religious beards in the military were allowed in 2017, but the process to be granted that right takes a bit of time. then. In 2021 the Air Force began allowing female service members to wear their hair in a single braid, double braid, or ponytail that can go down to the bottom of their shoulder blades. You said it. Requiring the unit commander, base chaplain, installation commander up to the Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel Division, to all sign off on the beard waiver. In the interim, the Becket Fund says the Navy has agreed to allow all four men religious accommodation to wear beards while the case is pending. The already-growing list of religious exemption requests inflated earlier this year when Spc. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Maybe they don't meet minimum standards for protection. Religious accommodations. I couldnt have said it any better. When evaluating the sincerity of a soldiers articulated belief, the GCMCA will consider the credibility of the application and the circumstances of the request, Esper wrote. Every soldier needs to be treated as the slaves of the south a mere two centuries ago. Notably the navies of the United Kingdom and Australia allow sailors to wear beards. The army granted him several temporary waivers, but never a permanent one. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Us Wiccans did that for many centuries, and it works like a charm. However, we are not actively promoting a trend in this direction or seeking to normalize it.. Beards don't grow over our eyes, and we don't comb them up on our faces. Your a part time Woke Salior. He is forced to remove his turban and beard whenever assigned to a ceremonial unit, and to shave his beard when deployed and receiving Hostile Fire Pay or Imminent Danger Pay. Special Forces wear long hair, beards, mustaches, Navy seals the same and these soldiers & sailors are the elite! Unfortunately, the U.S. military can make it difficult for many religious groups to continue thepractice while serving their country. His life had been changed, and in the spring of 2019, he prayed to ask God what he could do to recognize what you have done in my life., I want to show my love for you, DiPietro recalled praying. Your not going to let a fellow firefighter die in a burning building because he tried to use his mask with a beard and it failed. It said hed have to pursue the hair portion of his request separately. DiPietro remembered thinking how he expected it to be more difficult to get approval. nothing any longer. Your DNA will show you are either a male or female! If you spouse was a 100% disabled Veteran and past away then the surviving spouse should get half of his disability plus medical coverage under ChampVA. I SWWASZ AN E5 SSGTAND WARDMASTER ATT EDWARDS AFB, CALIFORNIA. It also could affect Wiccans and others who may obtain tattoos or piercings for religious reasons. I guess AFR 35-10 is now ancient history!!!!! This makes it especially difficult for men who have a beard keeping with religious traditions and requirements. First, you chide someone for not liking transgender (that is his opinion) then you attempt to argue a lame argument defending your liberal left wing crap! Sikh soldiers, who are bound by their religion. You want to practice your religion fine but you should receive no consideration in the workplace. Get the latest in military news, entertainment and gear in your inbox daily. cannot have facial hair for these safety reasons you cited. It was a painful process, but it was less painful than I thought it was going to be, so thats nice, he recalled. Today the Navy uses positive-pressure gas masks. The Bible explains that while someone is observing the Nazarite vow, no razor may be used on their head.. Conservative Christians arent the only ones asking for accommodation in mailman case, White House appoints new Muslim community liaison, Secular organizers say interfaith spaces should include atheists, nonbelievers, US soccer leagues add game breaks for players fasting during Ramadan, Prayer rug design project aims to highlight Islams diversity in US and Latin America, Copyright 2020, Religion News Service. If you need a longer mustache to have morale or the boost, your freaking ego man up, grow some freaking balls you dickhead. Among the virtues beautifully etched in stained-glass in the Australian War Memorial's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier are courage, loyalty, patriotism, common sense, and highest of all self . But on the same note when you put on any military uniform you are representing the military regardless! RELATED: Dont confuse military action with the mission of God. Do you want to continue? In two memos signed on Nov. 8, Army Secretary Mark Esper laid out new processes for allowing religious soldiers to wear distinguishing symbols, as well as refined guidelines for completing mandatory Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention, Equal Opportunity, suicide prevention, substance abuse prevention and resilience training. both of which inspire unit confidence and morale. They could make larger gas masks, and beards can be kept short, and well-trimmed. Every transfer of duty station would start a whole thing about when he rotates again and when he was eligible for retirement. Good luck, I have never heard of such foolishness. I served during the Zumwalt days and had a neat, military-style beard as a Navy Airborne Electronic Warfare Officer. He provided the chaplain with a memo he drafted in which he requested his religious accommodation. It would surely make the lives of religious people a lot easier. It might even make them jealous. I really enjoyed my time. Unlike the religions this exemption was created for, Forn Sidr is not a doctrinal religion and therefore doesnt have any religious laws or requirements regarding the dress, grooming, diet, relationships, or lifestyle of its followers. The emphasis on leaders delivering quality training to soldiers on the topics contained in this directive must be on building readiness, not compliance, Esper wrote. All of this concern about facial hair when the concern should be the current effort to enlist people with known mental disorders for inclusivity.. Based on Spc. Despite the OCCHs position that this accommodation lacks a religious basis and is not a required tenet of the soldiers faith, there is every indication that this moral decision to adhere to the Nazarite vow is a large and important pillar to his spiritual health and well-being.. Let's leave pretty faces to women. Although the Air Force has relaxed their mustache policy, beards are still off limits for airmen. Just go to , Macy', and charge it to your account. Now if he is a rear echelon desk jockey then that might be a different matter. For the next several years, things were going well, until he returned home from a deployment to Kuwait in 2017 and began going through a really dark time in his personal life. It does not store any personal data. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". They ALL target medics, aid workers, journalists, legislators, police, and women. Same with firefighters. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. He felt like his life was starting to crumble around him, so he decided to pray. Many things in the air of a burning building can cause cancer, so breathing that in because you can't or won't shave doesn't make a lot of sense. The Space Force also announced the same expanded mustache policy, along with a more loose tattoo policy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The gas masks are made to fit tightly against your face, and they can do that if there is a beard blocking it from a complete seal or a hairbun that does not allow the straps to be pulled tightly. If a sailor is retired, what right does the navy have to bitch at him because of his beard ? Ofcourse, surgical nurses don't have beards, but it wouldn't hurt if they worked in psychiatric units (except for an occasional pull, by a nut). Firefighters go through the same thing with their masks. Check out your local wounded warriors. Additionally, allowing airmen to wear sister-service patches in their current color configuration influences cohesiveness and pride while assigned to joint organizations.. That isnt exactly the Army way the service has specific rules about hair length and styling, for men and women, including a strict no-beard policy. That was in June 2020. Also, please learn to spell, punctuate, and use proper grammatical structure. But the next week, he said he received an email from an Army official in the Pentagon telling him that while his beard had been approved, the general who signed off on allowing him to grow his hair out didnt actually have the authority to do so. Since you mentioned it, you ought to buy one for her. We commend their motion to include people from all religions in their grooming standards. DiPietro is one of the first known U.S. service members to receive a religious exemption from hair standards due to their Christian faith, although in recent years the various service branches have granted exemptions for Sikhs, Muslims, and even Norse pagans in the ranks. Islam & The First Religious Beard in The US Military (Air Force) By March 2021, DiPietro still hadnt heard anything from the Army. The face needs to be clean shaven so that the mask can make an air-tight seal and prevent smoke, dust, poison gas and radioactive particles from being inhaled. I just felt utterly compelled that this is what I was being called to do.. After a little under 6 months in the hospital my enlistment was up and got out. This is important because, in an emergency, if you grab a gas mask, there is no guarantee it is going to fit. All rights reserved. Got all my benefits without a problem. A unit Sexual Assault Response Coordinator listens during the kickoff event for Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., March 29, 2018. Over the years, military officers have regularly dealt with requests for religious exemptions to various rules. This new exception will inspire new recruits to join our military because it ties them a bit closer to the sleek and sharpness of the uniform. Speak to the Israelites and say to them: If a man or woman wants to make a special vow, a vow of dedication to the Lord as a Nazirite During the entire period of their Nazirite vow, no razor may be used on their head. Commanders will incorporate everything into their unit training plans and use assessments to keep track of risk areas, though when, where and how training is done is up to them. Take healthcare personnel in military hospitals, cooks and cafeteria workers on military bases, for instance, who won't be sent into combat. I totally agree get him out of office pronto. The uniformed service is the place to get both and more to be successful in life. DiPietros request, the interviews with chaplains, coordinating agencies, and the chain of command recommendations, it appears that his request is based on a sincerely held religious belief, Rutners memo said. He asked chaplains he knew who worked in the Pentagon if they knew anyone who might be able to do something, to help him move his request forward. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The Open Halls Project, an advocacy group for heathens serving in the military, sought to clarify any existing confusion in a 2017 post about beard exemptions. What do you think? I cannot find an UNSUBSCRIBE within this item. That would really confuse the enemy. But a trend, as minimal as it may be, has certainly been stirring among the rank-and-file. Certain exceptions are made however for those with medical waivers or religion exemptions. If men weren't supposed to have beards we wouldn't be able to grow them. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. beard getting caught up in their machine gun? As for women, hair hanging down, braids, any thought to the safety hazards that is going to cost? Additionally, the mustache will not go beyond a horizontal line extending across the corners of the mouth and no more than 1/4 inch beyond a vertical line drawn from the corner of the mouth.. Change is sometimes difficult for anyone who is kind of set in their ways. The regulations we served under mean nothing. Agree 100%! Abdul Rahman Gaitan became the first Muslim airman to be granted the exemption in observance of the tenets of his faith. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The policy was mainly expected to affect Sikhs, Muslims, Jews and members of other groups that wear beards or articles of clothing as part of their religion. My husband did the same thing but where it kept messing him up was time in service as when you were out it was considered active reserve which goes to time served. Heres why they shouldnt be. These new children going into the military today are more than likely being sent right back home. For instance the Military Regs do not allow beards or hairbuns for women if there is a chance they can be sent into combat where gas and chemicals can be used. Mainly because he wouldn't be able to wear the proper PPE like a gas mask. Religions That Allow Beards In The Military. I dont agree with most of the comments. US Army grants first ever religious exemption to Christian soldier to allow him to keep beard and grow hair long At first, he removed his turban and shaved his facial hair knowing that he wouldnt be able to get away with them until he was officially granted approval. :D. Beards are cool. Leandros Katsareas, a Petty Officer 3rd Class, was granted an exemption last year to wear a four-inch beard but was informed this year the exemption could be revoked. Those who claim a medical exemption for razor bumps must now shave periodically to prove they still suffer from the condition, which can in some instances lead to permanent scars. 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Hopper, like service members who have sought exemptions before, was advised to meet with a chaplain to present his case. It was hanging down seven inches below my chin, then shaved it off in April, but regretted it, so have since been growing it back. I served and flew with female Naval Aviators who were outstanding aviators and officers, but they were a definite exception just as ALL Naval Aviators were definite exceptions. Di Liscia is one of several sailors and marines who are seeking religious accommodation to wear beards while in uniform. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. All of those who insist on wearing beards, should be trained to be medics, so its easier for enemy snipers to identify them in combat. Wouldn't that look cool when I'm riding my men's cruiser bike with 25" apehangers along the Galveston seawall? During my 21 year stay, i must have gotten a ton of these write ups. If there is a wounded soldier on the battlefield, it takes at least two soldiers to get him to safety and treat him. CHOSE YOUR SIDE, BECAUSE YOU WILL HAVE TO FIGHT FOR ALL YOU ARE ABOUT TO LOSE HERE IN THE FUTURE. Requests for waivers regarding grooming go all the way up to the Secretary level for approval. Look at most all the European services, their hair, mustache, boots are much more relaxed. Thank GOD I had commanders with your spirit and laser focus to win, no matter what task given. Some 100,000 soldiers died due to chemical gas during that conflict. Soldiers ought to be carrying RID shampoo with them anyway. The sense of special privilege they come to feel based entirely on the might makes right attitude they are indocrinated into makes every one of them, no matter if they see actua combat or not, a mentally damaged threat to actual society and citizens. As a veteran with 17 years in the army with multiple deployments, yes he should be required to shave if he is in any line position. You intimated that if one endangered only himself, go for it. He said he researched for six months because he knew if he was wrong on anything, down to the periods at the ends of the sentences, the Army was going to use that as a reason to deny my request. He finally spoke to his unit chaplain about his decision in November 2019. For you facial hair obsessed supposed professionals you are entirely missing the real issues. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. This new generation needs some goals and self-discipline. These changes will allow Airmen additional flexibilities as to how to wear mustaches, Gwendolyn DeFilippi, acting deputy chief of staff for manpower, personnel and services, said in a press release. Staff Sgt. Within two days of the Army's rollout of new hair and grooming standards primarily for female soldiers, a petition calling for the service to allow male soldiers to grow beards has gotten more . Your email address will not be published. Finally, flugo got my vote. Abdul Rahman Gaitan in 2018 became the first Muslim. At the time, he wasnt observing the Nazarite vow like he is today; he just knew he wanted to be a soldier. The Military has already told Sikhs this and they have already told orthodox jews this and they have even told Rastafarians the same thing. CHOSE YOUR SIDE, BECAUSE YOU WILL HAVE TO FIGHT FOR ALL YOU ARE ABOUT TO LOSE HERE IN THE FUTURE. I could agree and disagree on this response. ( cane, wheelchair ?? Would you please loan me 3600 dollors so I can get my wife home I have no credit so could some one help me please 2nd. Soldiers with a religious accommodation may wear a turban or under . For some pagans, it is seen as a way of honoring the gods and goddesses. Dominque Braggs, another Muslim sailor of the same rank, was given a health exemption due to pseudofolliculitis barbae, also known as razor burn. As long as it doesn't endanger anyone but themselves go for it. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Since April, Esper has released 16 memos to reduce administrative burdens on leaders. U.S. News May 19, 2021 / 3:00 AM Sailors sue U.S. Navy for religious exemption to have beards By Pamela Manson Airman 1st Class Harpreetinder Singh Bajwa is the first active-duty airman permitted. Finally, in 400 years when they dig your sorry carcass up.guess what? But I don't think that works when you are wearing a military uniform. The policy change will allow beards, long hair, religious tattoos and turbans to be worn by members in uniform, according to the Department of Defense (DOD) Instruction issued this week. If you know youre right, the regulations will it may not seem like it but they will protect you. How about this I dont care if you dont like the fact a fellow vet can now get gender reassigned surgery, really after all we have been through as a nation with all this world pandemic and death of so so many humans and a economic resesion like none before us a yet thats what you choose to bitch about are you fucken kidding me right now? for many years. It wasnt really what he wanted to do, he said, so he quickly moved into another job as a cargo specialist. Earlier this year, Di Liscia, along with three Muslim sailors, joined in a lawsuit brought by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, alleging the Navys beard policy amounts to a violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Its Airman like you who kept us strong. There is no religious requirement for beards in Heathenry, the post read. The chaplain corps will work with any military member to aid them in a genuine pursuit of an accommodation, Joint Force State Chaplain Maj. Donald Crandell said. The list goes on. Oh well, I guess people will pick and choose to suit what they like to justify their worldly desires. The hair curls back into the skin and causes bumps. You should be ashamed to even respond like that!! Sikhs dont cut their hair and beards out of respect for the God-given form. What does religion have to do with it? You need to get paid. But I was an officer so it was discouraged! A whip on their backs when they forget their place in society, and clear 0 tolerance for them speaking a word or raising a hand against an actual citizen ever in their life even when they are old and grey and kept contained in "homes" to more easily dispose of them when their use has ended.These would do much to improve our military as we need to stop glorifying them and start putting them at the bottom rung of society as the lowest of the low. I dont care what they do, or what they say, do not stand down. It used to be honor and resect, proud to wear the uniform. I bet all the men who were written about in the Bible had beards. I noticed that by praying, I found strength, he explained.

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