Add all the folks you want to this page, keep it clean and positive. April 20-23, 2023: Metal Detector Training & Hunt by the Lost Dutchman Mining Assn at Congress, AZ, April 22, 2023: Ocala Metal Detecting Club Annual Hunt by OMDC at Dunnellon, FL, April 29, 2023: 2nd Annual Mike Race Memorial Open Hunt by Lancaster Research & Recovery Club at Lancaster, PA, April 29-30, 2023: 40th Club Anniversary Mega Hunt by East Coast Research and Discovery Association at Deal, NJ Treasures Found. The Charles Garrett Memorial Hunt is held annually courtesy of Garrett Metal Detectors. This step-by-step approach on cutting a perfect plug when you are digging and recovering your target while metal detecting is for you. Mike C. "Thanks for running such first class relic hunts. winmeek Nov 7, 2021 Replies 0 Views 1K Most metal detectors can detect objects between four and eight inches deep, but more advanced or specialized machines can find metal up to 18 inches or more below No Scratching Tools. beach hunt - May 18 & 19 - Ocean City NJ, Tri-State Metal Detecting Club 17th Annual Fall Hunt - Mount Vernon,IL. WebOpen Group Hunt - The September, 2022 OBX hunt has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for next year due to reasons beyond our control. March 11, 2023: 35th Annual Benefit Hunt by Treasure Coast Archaeological Society at Wabasso-Sebastian, FL, March 17-18, 2023: Gypsy Jewels Treasure Hunt by Gypsy Jewels at Lions Camp, Kerrville, TX, March 18, 2023: 11th Annual Piney Woods Relic Hunt by East Texas Treasure Hunters Association at Longview, TX, March 23-26, 2023: Metal Detector Training & Hunt by Lost Dutchmans Mining Association at Oconee, SC, March 25, 2023: Relic Hunt at Liberty Hall by Liberty Hall Plantation at Culpeper Co., VA, March 25, 2023: Ghost Town Hunt by Robert Lee Rigton at Necessity, TX, April 1, 2023: Book Sale at Keith Willis' home in Gilmer, TX, April 1, 2023: Diggin Bonham 2023 by Bonham Visitor Center at Bonham, TX. During the hunt, each detectorist in the hunt should act responsible towards other detectorist by not taking anothers targets or infringe on another detectorist hunt space or by overlaying their coil upon another's coil. All hunt participates must wear headphones. Pound the Ground is a very popular metal detecting competition hunt that draws detectorists from all over. No target recovery plugging tools allowed. If Prize Tokens are not found during a hunt, they will be left in the ground for future hunts. EVENTS FROM OTHER CLUBS * October 15th, 2022 OPTH By-the-Light-of-the-Silvery-Moon-Hunt, Kitsap Fairgrounds, Bremerton, WA * October 29 th, 2022 Cascade Treasure Club & MDAW Regardless of your preference on seeded hunts, there is something for everyone, so be sure to come out to one and prepare to have a great time! My name is Ace or as some may know me on YouTube - Swing4TheRing. ECRDA: East Coast Research & Discovery Assoc More than just metal detecting ECRDAs 2023 Open Hunt Hunt, Uncategorized / By new_dx0iq7 will be extra special because the ECRDA turns 40 in 2023. The 40th Annual HARC Open Beach Hunt will be Saturday, February 5th, 2022 at East Beach / Apffel Park, in Galveston, Texas. 3 coppers, Silver Trade Broach fragment and First Wax Seal Matrix. April 14-16, 2023: Garrett Memorial Hunt: Diggin' Texas 2023 at Canton, TX, April 19-23, 2023: Bone 30 by Streeters Treasure Hunting at Keene, VT. April 20, 2023: The April AMDC Members meeting will feature Larry Vickers talking about new detectors. Your feedback and suggestion are always welcome.Main Office132 Cypress Creek DrMurrells Inlet, SC 29576Ph: (843) 457-2795, HomeStoreContact UsAbout UsYour Property & Granting LMS PermissionSand Scoop Leasing & SalesLost Ring Recovery ServiceLMS Gear TalkCalendar of Events / Hunt DatesRoad Trips / Group HuntsPhoto GalleryJoining The GroupOur Code of EthicsMyrtle Beach Metal Detecting RulesCOVID-19 Message, Copyright LMS Metal Detecting, LLC 2022 - All Rights Reserved. So with that in mind, is metal detecting worth it? All Trash recovered during the hunt must be put in a target recovery pouch and be removed from the hunt field. Limited to 75 entrants. We sincerely hope you are satisfied with your experience and will recommend us in the future. But what if I told you with only 5 essential tools, youd have everything needed to be a rockstar "detectorist" in the hobby? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Registered hunters must sign a waiver form before participating in the outing and or hunt. LMS Metal Detecting scheduled hunting dates are normally posted a few days prior of the event, so check back often or subscribe to be notified by email of added dates or other schedule changes using the form below. Joining a club is the best choice that I made when I started metal detecting. Unlike the sand, you are not able to quickly scoop, recover, and move on when hunting in the grass. (My very 1st metal detector). Metal Detecting At Digstock Mini! hunts on June 7-8, 2023. Coin Targets and Token Prizes will be regulated according to number of hunt entries. Now, with any good hunt master, they will have seeded all over the field and heres a pro tip for you: many of those hunt masters like to get sneaky and hide plenty of targets right along the very edges and corners of the marked hunting area, so be sure to walk those lines. If hunt participants help in planting the hunt field the participant should be assigned a quadrant for target planting and he or she should not be allowed to hunt in their previously assigned hunt field quadrant. For instance, trying to swing a Whites MXT that weighs over 4lbs or even worse, a Minelab CTX 3030 at over 5lbs, which I just recently purchased for myself (but not for a seeded hunt), can really tire you out quickly during a hunt. Pa. Railroad Button - A rather unexpected find for the site it came from! Well, were back to the Tesoro brand. Milfay, OK, HARC 39th Annual Galveston Open Beach Hunt - Feb 27th 2021. Using a detector that is lightweight such as a Tesoro Compadre, makes it a dream to swing with the stock coil, as it comes in at just under 2lbs! WebWhile we continue to offer our four-week Spring, Summer, and Fall metal detecting courses there is a NEW one-day option on the horizon for 2023. GoMinelabbing events often have seeded hunts that can be found all over the world for detectorists to participate. But metal detecting is an exception when it comes to hobbies and that is because the items you find literally do pay you! It may also cover raffle and door prizes that are given away to lucky hunters who find a special token out in the hunt field. Usually the hunt master will push the coins or target just below the surface of the soil, so while you may not have to read the article on how to cut a plug in order to recover your target, you may need to be able to pop it from the soil. All hunt participates must wear target recovery pouch for trash removal. OBX, NC Youve been added to the Treasure Box! Come in to camp, get set up and start to mingle with the crew. (Photo credit: Ben Fogletto/The Press of Atlantic City). LATE ENTRY PRICING (MAY 1ST MAY 30TH) Outlaw Hoard Hunt $170 Schedule: **FRIDAY June 3, 2022 9:00 AM Wild West Hunt begins 11:00 AM Bounty Hunter Jr. My sand socks add the extra layer of protection I need while out metal detecting in the sand or water. A seeded hunt is a metal detecting event where coins, tokens, and other various targets are purposely planted or hidden just below the surface by a hunt master and those items are then meant to be found by other metal detectorists. City Park at 10 AM. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Prizes for the raffle will be: 3 gold coins and donated Silver dollars and Silver rounds/bars We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Seeded hunts are a great form of fellowship for clubs and are a wonderful way to bring metal detectorists and treasure hunters together to talk about best detecting practices and ways to research new spots to detect, which are both very helpful articles that were recently published, demo new products, and of course, to share a few laughs and tall tales of finding treasure. This week it took us Events. Best Finds. You can search for variations of the Tesoro brand such as the Silver Umax, Cibola, Vaquero, and Tejon to name a few, just in case you cannot find a Compadre, which is the most basic of units. It is important to have a sifter or scoop that has holes large enough to allow that sand to flow through quickly, but not too large because you dont want to lose your target through it. Prizes will be awarded. No Search Coil larger than twelve inches are allowed. Another lightweight option to use during a seeded hunt would be using an XP Deus as it is just over 2lbs and has a wireless headphone option so that you dont have to worry about any cables getting in the way as you detect and dig your targets. One of those strategies is picking the right metal detector to use during your seeded hunt. Thanks for diggin it this content! My recommendation would be to use something like a dive boot or sand socks as either of these will not only protect your feet, but also help keep sand from accumulating inside them because they are form-fitting and can be found for a very reasonable price on Amazon. Plenty of friends were made at the GoMinelabbing seeded hunt. This hunt was one of the best I have ever been on. (Photo credit: Ben Fogletto/The Press of Atlantic City). Send check along withyour name, address and phone numberwith full payment, Check or Money Order made payable to: Ohio Detectorists Association / Attention: Bill Baecker. Rhode Island "Pound the Ground" seeded hunt is on! If you are kneeling down looking at your find, youll be giving up that precious time and real estate around you. Flyer, July 7-9, 2023: Rush To The Rockies 2023 by Eureka! Visitors and newcomers are always welcome! See entry form for more details. (CLOSED)TBA - New info coming soon for Asheville, NC 2023! The Hunt Field Gate Keeper will check all registered participant badges before allowing individuals to enter the hunt field perimeter. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Regardless on what type of terrain your seeded hunt takes place in, one thing is common when it comes to how 95% of the participants start their hunt. Meet I will update this list as I learn about seeded hunts, natural hunts, and more. Low Country Treasure Hunters of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and the Florida Coastline joined together over 30 years ago founding the Group LMS Metal Detecting. First Metal Detecting Hunt of 2022! Can't wait 'til my next trip.. You are using an out of date browser. JavaScript is disabled. Seeded hunts taking place in the grass present their own unique sets of challenges. Youve been added to the Treasure Box! - One Epic Detecting Weekend! WebOzark Metal Detecting Club Spring Hunt April 29, 2023 Atkins Rodeo Arena, Atkins, Arkansas Seeded Hunt TFTHC 36th National Hunt 2023 April 29, 2023 2200 NE 1st St, Pryor, OK 74361 Seeded Hunt Topeka Treasure Hunters Open National Hunt May 21, 2023 USA, Kansas, Hoyt Seeded Hunt Be sure to send me your hunts if you want me to include them on the list! Flyer, May 27-28, 2023: 50th Indian Territory Treasure Hunt by ITTH Club, Inc. at Sapulpa, OK Flyer, June 3-4, 2023: 11th Annual Silver Seekers Open Hunt by Don Hayes and Ed Burke at New Concord, OH Coin and Tokens targets should be no greater than two inches deep in the soil. Bring a chair to sit as the picnic tables are reserved. I have made dozens of friends, been invited on so many amazing trips and learned a lot of tips and tricks for metal detecting. Detectorists scour the beach in this seeded hunt picking up coins as fast as they can. Member Nov 3rd annual Carolina Coin and Token Shootout Open Seeded Hunt. Treat everyone during a competition event like you would want to be treated- fairly and with respect. Seeded hunts allow detectorists to be able to scratch that competitive itch, but also helps provide an outlet for those of us that enjoy the hobby so that we are be able to come together and talk all things detecting while partaking in some good ole fellowship. Seeded hunt competitions certainly offer a good alternative for those hobbyists looking to switch up their metal detecting experience.

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