"You two behave yourselves now," Dustin razzed as he clattered up the stairs from Mike's basement with the other boys. Maybe, when shes alone at night, right before falling asleep, hes the one she thinks about. Thank you, she shyly murmurs. Shes more awake when theyre settled in her room. First one to fall sleep buys the other dinner.I dont think Ive ever played spin the bottle.Sorry! She had been looking for them for a solid twenty minutes but had only found things that frightened her and made her wish Mike was there to hold her hand and tell her everything was going to be okay. Mike pushes his hair out of his eyes and moves, leaning over her. Eleven and Mike attend college together. Not Rated (7) Explicit (3) Include Warnings Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (27) No Archive . I promise, she tacks on the last part for good measure, but her grasp on his hand only tightens to the point his knuckles audibly crack. Mike explains. Not really, Hopper admits, but what happened cant be helped, so well deal with it, he says. a smile that made my insides churn, "we completely crush max.". MILEVEN AU. He sat her down and ripped the bottom of her panties out while she tried, in vain, to get his pants undone. Fanfiction Romance Science Fiction Mileven Mucas Jancy. Mike was never a huge fan of Dr. Owens but hes thrilled to see him this time. Shes curled tightly around herself, half wrapped in an old quilt. Promise, she replies and he looks at her curiously, I didnt say it back, she explains, I knew I couldnt go if I didnt.. what do you mean its all just one problem. ), Im Just Taking Care Of You(Steve centric; him taking care of his 6 children), .. ._.. ___ _ . To Kam, for always reading what I write and never not being overly enthusiastic about it. *This is my first uploaded ST fanfic story and this is ongoing as I try to find the time; more chapters are coming soon*, Timeline: November 1983 - October 1984 (Seasons 1-2). mike hates el. The teen choir director at church says the angels weep with happiness when the two of them sing together and today, under the sunshine and the open road, Mike believes her. Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, and Max meet her on the first day of school and she's quickly brought into the Party. Lucas, Dustin and Max, sat together, near the corner next to the stairs, they sat together since they . Mike glares right back at him. Eleven touches the sweater gently and runs her fingers across the seams of a pair of jeans. She reaches up for his hat and Mike stops her with a shake of his head. Hes not sure but he thinks, maybe shes wishing for the same thing. Work Search: Stranger Things Season 5 Predictions (Ships). that's right friends i'm finally doing an enemies to lovers au!!! Mike and El get asked to babysit Holly while Karen's out, and they have some fun playing together.Basically Mileven Fluff. For the love of God, who has the popcorn?!. hope you enjoy and dont forget to tell me your thoughts down bellow!! A small grin starts on his full lips and travels onto her own, thinner ones. Equivalent to PG-13 M: Contains content suitable for mature teens and older only. He writes down his number, here, in case you need to call, he explains, drawing an arrow, you just dial left to right., Ill see you when you get home, Mike says, promise.. One thing Will knows for certain: the Upside Down can't have Danny. they find them. One summer can change everything. If anyone sends in which, the new girl learns that there's more to life than test scores. (bc i literally saw there are none and I want to change that)this is my first time making one of these so please have some grace as I figure it out.I DO NOT own stranger things (obviously).Please dont read if you havent watched the show as this will contain spoilers. A second's time, and their previous environment had changed to a large room with white walls and multiple couches and blankets were thrown across them. The way her head fits just so below his neck, her cheek resting on his chest, is uncanny. Im not sure.. Shes tucked into the bed, flat on her back and oddly still. "so, is that a yes?" Lucas and Max are already occupying most of it, consciously sitting not too far away, yet not too close either. If Mike was any more asleep than he had been, he wouldnt have woken up. love is staying on the line until you fall asleep. It's been five years since Will was rescued from the Upside Down. when they hit middle school, they grew up. Here. He adjusts the hat so its not pulled down over her ears, but rather turned up so shes a little less hot. Her entire being is screaming at him: look at me, look at me, look at me. Three Christmases in various times of Mike and El's relationship. Please consider turning it on! It takes Mike until theyre entering the doors to realize why hes here. Have fun, he finally smiles, ruffling her hair. Follow the whole party through new heartbreaks, celebrations, surprises, love, death, and more. Eleven gasps and then bites her lip again, okay well go with yes on that, he says, how do we feel about needles?, Me neither, he agrees and looks at Mike, what about you? I felt a kick!, Your hair is so softYoure so cute when you pout like that!Just relax, Ill wash your hair for you.Im not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.What, does that feel good?HA! Promise, he says firmly, hooking their pinkies together. A couple of months ago, or maybe even a few weeks, that simple gesture (or lack thereof) wouldve made her maniac, panicky and feeling unsafe. Jane is excited to live a new lifestyle of wealth and prosperity with Mike, but with money comes danger when she realizes who Mike really is. # 1. to make things awkward | fillie by M.K. I know you do.Those things you said yesterday Did you mean them?Im not going to apologise for this. She turns away from Hopper, curling on her side and gripping both of Mikes hands like she can will him to stay. Being filthy rich has its flaws; and partying, egocentrism and commitment issues were clearly Mikes problems. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. strangerthings. Not suitable for children below 16 years. You just listen to the doctor, they might have you count backwards, and then you wake up in a different room. . (Mileven short story, probably around 3-5 chapters), Mike and El look back at their first time. When it's their last day, Mike meets someone that makes his heart flutter like no one else could before. Only Jim Hopper is able to see both sides. mike: what? Mike traced her neck with his slender fingers and held her neck tight. Hopper looks at his watch again and swears a few more times. . He keeps his hands on hers as they inject something into her IV before laying her back. "Mileven, 1980's High School AU (inspired by the Taylor Swift song 'You Belong With Me'). Thanks a lot, you have a really good taste :), in the aftermath it is quiet (as we wait for everything to begin again), Friends dont let friends fall off a thing with wheels (and if they do they apologize), beneath the stars came falling on our heads, me making this: don't talk to me or my 353 tabs ofmileven fanfiction again, i've got some tabs on my phone opened that i'll read before i go to bed, Not all of these are Mileven centric but the ship is teased (Im pretty much raiding the Mileven AO3 tag and posting some gems I liked a lot). Hi, she says, smiling at Eleven who still has a bit of a hero worship thing when it comes to her. The movie carries on smoothly: Dustin only screams a handful of times, Will has a lot of fun explaining random trivia to El (this being the first time she watches the movie and all) and Lucas almost puts his arm around Max (and she almost lets him). After Mike and Els cat gets into their box of photos, El comes up with a creative solution to the problem. But what of El's mysterious past? and eventually grew out of eachother. (Also the formatting is a lil fucked up so sorry in advance). Was a one-shot but now its a 5-6 part fic. When he asks: Youre not cold, are you? she shakes her head reassuringly. We cant wait to meet youIll just be in the bathroom throwing my fucking guts up because our unborn kid wants to be a dick!Theres someone Id like you to meetShh He/shes sleeping..I have a special surprise for you. You can call me, he says, anytime. Tomorrow at the earliest, he says regretfully, sorry kid, he adds and Mike isnt sure which one he means. The surgery is over quickly and Dr. Owens comes out, smiling like its an accomplishment. Like we did with the Demogorgon. she smiles knowingly, settling on the ground, against the couch, comfortably sitting on a pillow. :) Fuck, Hopper says again, what time does it start?. Its not painful thoughnever that. Lilac (Will Byers x Mike Wheeler) 49 pages April 28, 2021 3dgyrat Stranger Things | Will Byers Gaten Matarazzo Millie Bobby Brown Eleven Mike Wheeler Dustin Henderson . Fics that take place post season 1/pre season 2, 11 months(story starts shortly after season 1 and ends with s2x08), watching through windows, youre wondering if im okay, in the aftermath it is quiet (as we wait for everything to begin again) (OKAY THIS ISNT REALLY A MILEVEN FIC BUT MOTHER STEVE OFFICIALLY MEETING EL CLEARS MY SKIN AND WATERS MY CROPS OKAY?! Mike and El share a quiet moment alone and that's all that matters. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Raven and Paloma Thomson come back to their hometown of Hawkins from college, during break, only to find their town in disaray. What started as the unthinkable becomes the improbable verging on the impossible, only to be over shadowed by the unimaginable. They were watching The Blue Lagoon. UPDATE: This story is on hold as I've run out of ideas and am already writing a Lumax oneshot collection. Hopper reacts like its one too, jumping to his feet in a way thats oddly enthusiastic. Mike Wheeler is 25 years old, and wants to find a girlfriend. You know when you wait the whole year for that perfect summer day, when the sun is shining especially bright and mom lets me come home from the lake later than other days?, Well, maybe, the princess only wants to share that day with Han.. What is love?. Yeah? Mike still wont turn his face towards her. It's easier for Mike to fit in, but El does her best. The last thing Will was expecting is for his big sister's boyfriend to show up at the strip club he works at. Please consider turning it on! It is EVIL.Dont you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!When in doubt curl into the fetal position and give up on life.Its not a double date, were just third and forth wheeling., I have something to tell youI think Im pregnant.Im pregnant!When were you going to tell me that youre pregnant?Youre smart and successful with an adorable belly.$50 bucks says its a girl/boy.Pregnancy suits youHello little one. Eleven settles back into the pillow and squeezes his hand. How does she She cuts herself off, tugging on her blanket so as to cover most of her body. Her lips been bitten through several times but she still manages to pout. get ready!!! Which wasnt long enough ago. Header art by @nerdy-arty. You just checked me out.You know, when this is over, we should really have angry sex.Take off your clothes.Tell all those other guys/girls you dont need them cause you got me.Dont give me that face, its so cute I might not be able to hold back.Boobs are really just squishy pillows.If you dont get turned on by having your neck kissed somethings wrong with you.Blasphemy! Complicity- to be involved with others in illegal activity or wrongdoing. [text] I gave up great shower sex to be here so dont say I never did anything for our friendship. Max thankfully turns off the basements light, shadowing Els blushed cheeks. The Empire Strikes Back, it reads. El lowers her eyes to the ground: I wont watch it with them. . She nods as they put the mask over her face. Mike sits on the edge of her bed and holds her hands. He watches him relax and tuck her wrist back under the blanket. Theres a part of her hell never fully understand, but that fact is rarely in the forefront of his head. He taunted. in which mike wheeler is a pureblood slytherin and eleanor hopper a muggleborn gryffindor. She yelps and buries her face in the pillow. 07/03/20 - #1 in fillie!! Send me some of these, Im in a writing mood! Mileven Fluff Mileveneggos Summary: Just some fluff one shots that'd be really cute. As soon as Hopper takes a step away from the kids, Eleven throws herself to Mike, dropping her sleeping bag on the ground with a loud clank. It takes Mike until they're entering the doors to realize why he's here. Just please, stop talking to me.To the night youll never remember!Excuse me, did the 12:15 bus come by already?Could I sit here? Nancy looks at Mike, mom and dad will kill both of us, she says. He wasn't interested in salvation. Wasnt he supposed to say it back?! Hopper gives him a look that makes Mike think hes about to get arrested right now, for which Im really grateful for, I just didnt want her blowing up the hospital, Hopper says, she also wouldnt agree to come here until I got you..

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