The Germans practiced collective punishment, all these awful things that most most, They paid an extra price for it by providing the basic seeds that would grow into enemy propaganda. They then shift, to another fort, which surrenders five hours later one. The other thing that Prinsep did was, find, an opportunity for a lot of these leaders who thought war was coming anyway. But 99 years later the dam breaks and a Pandora's Box of violence engulfs . Eastern Germany, and remind the German that you can't just leave your eastern border undefended and throw everything against France were still here and the Austro Hungarians are about to fight, out exactly why the Serbs have such a ferocious military reputation, all, Going to happen pretty much simultaneously and it's going to be the, hypothesis a sort of celestial. Ever since roman times, it's the same area about a hundred and twenty mile front that. us on Twitter the address is at hardcore history. logical side of your brain stands a pretty good chance of flipping and trying to defend the illogical position. You know a president. Again. clarity and accuracy actually, and hopefully we, better program out of it new and improved version, two whatever you want to say. For just this job, like I said earlier, the day was called deer tag the day this has been plan, Essentially a special unit of thirty thousand guys whose job it is to take out the sports at the Belgians, don't stand aside and surrender them the Belgians, stand aside and surrender them, and in fact the bell, Regions are going to teach the first great lesson of the war about, what's changed, since the last time, great powers faced off how much the. it's coming down, unfortunately, for him, or fortunately, the staff that works under him are tough as nails again. You know happening. but that event was huge right if he actually killed John F Kennedy. Are you really going to work with them on the third? Stream 50-Blueprint-for-Armageddon-I-Hardcore-History-Dan-Carlin (1).mp3 by Raymie Roberts on desktop and mobile. It's hard core history. Published 03/07/22. You know that does Gavrilo Princip. Vital mistake number one here: He intentionally drove them away. Where do you stand. You know we're capable and they could deal with it and they were very efficient, logistically and everything for their time period, but, teen times that amount. To portray, as the modern day version of the Huns. rested on firm foundations. They have to worry. Their goods are crossing borders like crazy. The Germans are incredibly trained in terms of having even their reservists on the practice, fire exercises preparing for this day. This was some. All these Germans, marching on France, great train troops, who've, never been in combat, except against Belgians they're, going to run into a british colonial force. Time ago now, with an author of a book, the author had, in a book about how John F Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. reading, but I wouldn't have wanted to live under it in Germany. between seeing blood in black and white and blood and colors. to happen as a result of the stipulations of those german war plans, I put it on my top ten list somewhere greatest mistakes ever made. You were going to screw up your entire plan for winning the war. Scrobble, find and rediscover music with a account, Do you know a YouTube video for this track? Just a newspaper clipping in the clipping announces the imminent visit of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand to Sarajevo, one of, people who was at that table and lived to grow older and write about his experiences after he'd had time to go from terrorist to, create a guy named Borgio, Jeff Cheech and if I missed, that by the way, let's just get used to that. In, like five minutes, the Russians, This is the moment when the first outside power turns on their doomsday device. Second? German uniforms are feldgrau, I guess is the proper way to, outside, but basically it's just a gray, but, this time period, most nations had only relatively recently gone away from gaudy colorful clothing. This is a barber, with mobilization and you get an idea of how planned every step is in the german army quote, once the mobilization button was pushed the whole vast machinery for calling up, equipping and transporting two million men began turning automatically reserve, went to their designated depots, were issued uniforms equipment an arms formed into. The problem is, is that sometimes history, where the logical part of at least my brain wants to flip sides and, still logically defend what I consider to be the more illogical point of view in this case the logic. Belgium is going to be like with this massive grade. It was the most powerful land power in Europe. Two people, in the city of Sarajevo. because the mounds of bodies become places. and supported by a modern 20th century state. In the 21st century now we've had a long time to absorb the ideas of 20th century, big and and how it's a legitimate aspect of war, and one of the things you do is. What's bearing down on the small british forces landed on the continent, and this french force who. from this moment until that in which our enemies shall have been driven from the territory of the republic, all French, permanently requisition for service in the army's the young men shall fight the married men shall forge weapons and transport supplies. Croatia to their comrades in Belgrade was the torch which set the world afire with war in nineteen. I just quoted a guy named VON Moltke will have, change the way that the german war game system works before the first World WAR and he will, to put his foot down and take a career risking, moved and tell, Kaiser that no longer can they keep up with their tradition that whatever side the Kaiser is commanding in the german National WAR Games has to win. It's interesting to note: isn't it that Bell. by the way when we tried desperately to keep weapons of mass, stretching out of the terrorist hands because we're afraid they'll be able to kill more people with such weapons. And show them some history books and show them what it happened. rape of Belgium, I should point out a little bit is a. Propagandists fantasy, I mean they've made it into practically a movie. For, when the ancient elamites used to roll whatever the number is that comes up. They also thought that you treat noncombatants harshly and. Buy from Apple Music. These atrocities happen, people died. 1. It's a different game, continue to wear them because they're not strong, fundamentally at the core, sort of an uneven foundation that was really where the strength of the first world. First world war, german armies, because the Second World WAR, german army, like so many things in that second conflict over shadow, it in many ways the very, in the Second World WAR is flashier than the first World war. Ups that affect the entire history of the world, turns out the driver of the archdukes car did not realize they were not taking the original parade route and makes a, wrong turn and ends up near street corner, where one of the assassins Gavrilo real, maybe the guy on the grassy knoll with JFK, stationed himself in the hopes that he might get a chance. Nobody could foresee the end of this. have gone to him and shown him the ramifications of. So you can have this province and then on next time, I'll beat you and I'll take that province back you know, nobody was true, in the top of the regimes. So this guy, this staff officer, who has, dead, general five or six thousand men in the dark. Some, The great battle is the only battle wars are won or lost on one big battle: 'cause the nation states couldn't take too many punches. With no end in sight. make situation, guys like angle, were saying that what it, uh and is it, was so profitable to simply do business as usual that there was. how can a person of so little achievement in on the world stage? Accuracy is not guaranteed. The british situation was fundamentally different. German are, at the beginning of the war, has more than eighty of these imagine, trying to control eighty Norman armies and it, not just about getting each division where it needs to go it's about sinking what they do together and when you start, organizing divisions into Coors and Coors and armies, then these armies have to support each other. When, actually some guys on bicycles, believe it or not, paddle into Belgium, and give notices to the locals that we're sorry that we have to do this and, everything be fine, just don't cause any trouble, don't blow up any bridges, Or any tunnels anything we might need to get from here to there leave all that in place or those will be considered hostile acts as soon, becomes apparent that Germans are on belgian soil. I, build some defenses, maybe as a sign that you know we can, it's really right in that period in human history, where fortifications forts reach, still build forts today, but it's nothing like it was well. Please download one of our supported browsers. The hand to hand combat, but that aggressive style of warfare is what you want. The only problem with modern staying power is, killing, can go on longer. the same time issues this ultimatum to the Belgians saying: listen, we just need to use your country to get to France. How much of a gambler do you have to be to risk defeat in the greatest conflict in history on a single roll of the dice? They have an understanding with France, there was a lot of talk in Britain about do we or don't we get involved in this whole thing. The Austrians thought the kill, thrown? time preserving a general peace in Europe. To be to be the highways the german army uses to get from Germany to France. If they wanted to have a great land army at the same time, and so. Do you. So if you go into war with Russia, you get to attack France as part of the bar again. Together about five thousand five hundred belgian civilians were deliberately killed by the german army. What did people think that meant. in the city hasn't taken the forts and they're. Now to get an idea of size. Who's already got an inferiority complex. The Russians were dealing with it in Central Asia. So I recently had to change phones and on my old phone I had the hardcore history episodes for Blueprint for Armageddon. would have found a way to avert in what ended. colonial conflicts were a nation like Britain will go in and crush the dervishes or the Zulus, with the occasional set back, of course, and they will use proto machine guns against these natives armed with spears, one of, proto machine guns, really a gatling gun was called the maxim gun and there was a famous Cologne, said whatever happens, we have got the maxim gun and they have not. In you, history and he's an innovative cavalry commander. basin entire defense strategy on. They took three steps at times. The Asia-Pacific War of 1937-1945 has deep roots. Isn't this sort of weird almost like. That was like one of the main things in his diplomatic alliance system. But that's not, first global conflict in a hundred years for to the British, this looks like a massive disruption of their extremely, profitable business ventures, they've been, illusion, written by Norman angle. Officers respect for those wonderful Germans, as he called them, The military virtues of valor that were so celebrated during this period. army in the world looks like and remember this kind. Together they will shift the momentum in the Pacific theater and usher in the era of modern naval and amphibious warfare. Publish Date:Sun, 17 Aug 2014 Germany exists and the minute it existed. Sometimes you had shells that you could shoot, into the air that would illuminate the night sky and you have to imagine bunches of those shells going off. They were, after all. Instead, they have perhaps, to be truthful. Related Topics Dan Carlin Podcast Podcasts and Streamers comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Lallner . Ready to shoot up german March columns, those if they're not taken before the big March starts. operation of the courage of the military heart becomes something obscene. End quote. Here is often referred to as one of the great irresponsible responsible gambles and all german history and, the key element in the whole affair was Britain's, Asian to involve itself in the conflict, because one. The Belgians have it so that they're going to put guys in trenches so between. Machine guns, barbed wire and millions upon millions of artillery shells create industrialized meat grinders at Verdun and the Somme. Do you think, people around Kennedy might have worried a little about how that might have turned out, because. Do you think. Your wake up, call here's your Darth Vader. This. Imagine them toppling today's US government and beginning to govern. He says you have to imagine if Maoists toppled, the US government today malice, of course, being a very high, CORE Communist group. pulling out my handkerchief to wipe the blood away from his mouth. are. No military genius is going to save Belgium from Germany, the Germany, the differences between, potential of the two sides is just too great between, totally equal are only moderately unequal powers. In response to this, Belgians, have a heroic moment where the king of Belgium, you know, and the major officials all get together and basically all agree that they're not going to stand down, attitude they seem to have his we're screwed, either way, We might as well go out of this gloriously and they decide to mobilize their tiny little army and fight and at the same time, issue, calls to the other guarantors of their neutrality, saying, you know, and they they waited until the moment. Easily my favorite series (and the first one I listened too of Dan's as it was coming out). It's going to depend on what happens. The rape of Belgium go see the rape of Nanking in your history books, and then you will see something that propagandists did not need to magnify it all to create. The car with the, right down the road again past the Texas School book, Deposit Ori Right. A german start, Policy of frightful messes it was called, I'm not sure. The weapons that are on the way from Germany to. been called in the history books, limited warfare or restricted warfare, It was an italian historian named Ferraro, nine. That man was the admiral in charge of the British Fleet, Sir John Jellicoe. So the entire roman empire. If they do that, I shall have them arrested, meaning he, British army. was better than war war, meaning negotiations always better than war, but the person, he pulled the pin on the hand grenade. This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. That sounds like a lot, yet this show merely scratches the surface of this enormous subject. Paranoid about being encircled, they were being encircled. Download this episode in the store Click Here! This is a proof of concept video for Dan Carlin's Hardcore History Blueprint For Armageddon 1. Was an active state, sponsored terrorism. Reviews There are no reviews yet. It's a severe society, especially you know the Prussia. an enemy to their west and another enemy to their reached at the same time right, how do you do that. There's nothing quite like that. The Germans believed in collective punishment. The war of maneuver that was supposed to be over quickly instead turns into a lingering bloody stalemate. Then, powers all around them. because this army was so intimidating, so scary. This show picks up where Dan's Thor's Angels show left off. It was a fantastic army. I mean I, Franklin Roosevelt. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History Podcast reading list - Blueprint for Armageddon by jaydekens - a community-created list : Reading lists supplied by Dan Carlin from the popular Hardcore History podcast. Do you feel this product is perfect for a friend or a loved one? I think that the, damage done to the german reputation globally because of what's going on in Belgium, won't go away till at least the 1950s, and I think you could make a very decent case. He goes. countries, could actually have fun going to war war or something you just sort of did like pheasant hunting, at least in the minds of some of these guys. That sounds like a lot, yet this show merely scratches the surface of this enormous subject. These are enormous metal and steel and concrete in a forts. Show 50 - Blueprint for Armageddon I. pledge of your good behavior and will consider you out of this war, that is, impossible for the french government to do as the demands on Serbia WAR. Germany is lean. First, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, This small war between the Austro Hungarians and the Serbs gets bigger, because that's when, the german ultimatum given to the Russians telling them to stop their mobilization, or else runs out historian, clear, sign that the Russians know what's coming and there, They know that if they don't stand down, they'll have war with Germany and they don't stand down. So what had been, that didn't really, you know, appeal to the God is changing because of Belgium. You can again something that the Germans weren't quite getting when the 20th century was brand new, that they would get.

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