Brand was Steggles chicken breast. Older hens generally produce thinner shells as their oviducts wears out. "Woody Breast" is what the industry is naming it. Instead of wrapping it up I decided to eat it by dipping it in the salad dressing. I have found soaking the chicken in buttermilk for about a half hour really makes a difference in texture and flavor. Of course, you don't have to eat the meat if you don't want to. I'm in the UK and have come across this problem about four times now in the last four or five months. There is a "crunchy" texture when you put your fork into the cooked breast, that is also evident when trying to cut the meat. These factors can reduce your sense of taste (called hypogeusia), take it away completely (ageusia) or cause foods and drink to taste different (called dysgeusia). See also Can You Teach Chickens To Talk? I have the same problem, the breasts are not edible, so crunchy. Usually if you see a large piece in a tray you know it's going to be bad. I just had this experience with Trader Joe's organic chicken breasts. It had such a horrible texture, like almost crunchy but was cooked all the way through! Just too lucrative for globalized finance backed conglomerates to resist! I experienced the strange texture for the first time with Purdue boneless, skinless chicken breasts tonight. Maybe we all need to go back to our local farmers if there are still any independent and still in business. I am never buying big breasts again! I too have had this issue. The texture really is disgusting. I have had issues with the taste of other meat but buying organic seems to have helped with those. The Purdue Organic Chicken has been the gross stuff most of the time. Contact your local representatives and tell them what you think and stop letting them use their typical weapons of mass distraction against you. Never had a problem with Whole Foods regular antibiotic free Rotisserie chicken. Soon there will be no good meat left to eat and we will all be eating protein bars. I only purchase breast fillets now as they tend to be thinner than the full breast and haven't had the issue since. In a small bowl combine the mustard, molasses, bourbon, hot sauce and grated orange rind. Americans have no idea that 98% of what they are eating is cloned and genetically altered, strait from Transnational Capital to your table. Same thing. Why does my chicken have a weird texture? I told them not to eat it and gave it to the dog. Its filthy. I see it just about every time I'm out there shopping for chicken breast, and now know what to avoid. I am totally organic and purchase chicken from farms and also Whole Foods. ( stop giggling ) The farmers are either pumping them full of hormones or super rich foods to get the breasts to grow very large very fast. Marinading chicken (or any protein) in an acid for too long can make it mushy. Edit: as some of you have suggested I believe the cause of the weird texture in the chicken was bromelain. I ended up throwing it out. I have noticed it in both the individual wrapped pieces that come in the zip bags and the plastic trays. We decided NOT to eat the chicken so I threw away 2 breasts, a little over a pound that I paid $12.00 for. Why does chicken taste weird all of a sudden? I know I asked too much but I dread the waiting incubation time for salmonella. If I dont think about it, Yes, I have this thread actually set to push notifications also..overcrowding. My husband wanted to try it and I gave him a piece , he popped his eyes and immediately spit the chicken out. We used to eat chicken 2 or 3 times a week. I don't know what to do. its so strange because in a package of two breasts, one can be fine and the other inedible! Cooked chicken that has gone bad will usually be slimy, sticky, and overly soft. Just a note in regards to your issue. Leaving chicken in a pan, oven, or grill for just a little too long can suck the moisture right out and leave you with a dry . I've noticed an issue as well and it's always been difficult to describe it. The only constant is that my chicken is often on the cold side and I tend to cook (particularly on weeknights) with high heat. Wondering if the chicken is imported these days. I do better with Bell and Evans. YES!! Some breasts were wonderful. Thank you for sharing this information. Raw chicken shouldn't be slimy, sticky, or tacky and should be glossy and somewhat soft. That is Frankenchicken. Going to make sure I know of the source, they are small, and make sure they have not been injected/brined, thanks everyone. Its gross. I bought them fresh today from a local farmer style market. Or do we get a special kind if chicken from the supermarket?!?! So glad I found your comment and know the solution: dont buy Springer. According to Owens, a woody chicken breast may have 2% less protein than a normal breast. Its like humans cant understand the motivation of business to increase their bottom line without government interference. Hi, Im in the UK and I have had this twice now. All in line with what the article says. It's the first time I have experienced this, a raw, "al-dent", cartilage/meat hybrid sponge-like material not comparable to anything I can think of besides a baked apple mouth-feel, that isn't pleasant and completely unpalatable, I'll be looking for the smaller breasts from now on. It was stringy and tough. This thread was pleasant until it wasnt. . On the other hand if you get an individually wrapped piece that's small and/or not pink it's going to be disgustingly slimey and tough. You and me both. Especially considering, this is what deregulation, corrupting institutional government and fighting to the death to prevent any new regulations, is really all about here. I am also a private chef and luckily have never served this, that I know of anyways, to a client. This just happened to me with some 365 chicken breasts from Whole Foods. So stir fry in a very hot wok or griddle and roast in a pretty hot oven (425 or so). And its disgusting. Oh and the first experience I had 18 months ago, I cooked a chicken kiev for over 2 hours in a 200 degree oven (checked the temperature, and other food cooked fine), but somehow it didn't burn, in fact it still seemed raw. I had this exact issue today while cooking drumsticks. I have only run into this issue with breast meat. Im now part of this club, unfortunately. I did this for about a month or so and no matter how I cooked them they were not crunchy or woody. And yes a lot of our foods (meats and veggies included) are imported from god knows where. I live in Maryland and we're having the same problem here and I hate that crunchy taste no. Springer is just a better marketed factory chicken. I switched to organic and don't have this issue anymore. It's almost as if it's a tire rubber texture in my mouth. I'm so glad I found this thread. Wow! This weird chicken texture is very sad to me as chicken is my favorite go-to meal. Overcooked chicken can have a rubbery texture because when the protein fibers are exposed to the heat for too long, they lose . Oops, read all 161 comments and hope find a bit of information about todays Nancy chicken. This sounds like what I've run into. I don't have any explanation, but I've had this unpleasant problem lately too - any cooking method, can kind of tell from looking at it and handling it raw that it's likely to happen. (so gross!) The boneless skinless chicken breasts have been cooked past 165F in MULTIPLE spots and we even bought a new thermometer. Weve purchased Tyson in a pinch without issue as well. And those farmers who continue to breed these fast growing breeds so that they can get the meat to market faster will just go out of business because no one wants to be eating this crap. I have been having an issue on and off with the texture of my chicken. I guess it doesnt bother him but we get ours from Aldi and they are HUGE so I am thinking we will pay a little more for them from somewhere else because I cant do it anymore!!! Manager asked me to call right away if it happens again, so they can trace the provider. The texture really is unpleasant. Cooked Chicken Rubbery Why does my chicken breast have a weird texture?-----The most important part of our job is creating informational content. But maybe something pumped into the chicken to plump it up or something injected into it during raising to harvest quicker. I will butcher this but it is an answer. My friends and I ate at an exclusive place in Florida. Oh, I know, we arent eating those, but funny how our big sick looking Chicken Breasts came at the same time they gene edited chickens. The . Leaving chicken in a pan, oven, or grill for just a little too long can suck the moisture right out and leave you with a dry, rubbery bird. It like the growth hormones in 1990s milk. As far as im aware its difficult to tell its woody until you've cooked and attempted to eat it unless its an extreme caee. I spit it out very quickly and started to check the chicken more. "In inspecting fresh chicken breasts in the package, it would be harder to the touch if the breast had the condition," Tom Super, Senior VP of Communications at the National Chicken Council, told TODAY. My guess is all the saline/ other solutions that are pumped into the chicken while raw, so that it can be sold for more profit. I am so glad that my boyfriend and I will not be getting food poisoning! Sitting here looking up weird textured chicken breasts because Im eating one rn. I actually googled this and your same query came up on this site. That being said I have only had this happen maybe 1 - 2% of the time of eating this meat I once loved. Has anyone identified good sources? >.<. I even got a letter from the owner of Springer Farms who was very honest, but also a bit graphic in the details of why this is happening. Seems like a common problem. I bought my first pkg of Red Bird chicken, boneless breasts. We talked to the owner and he said he hadn't changed vendors for many years. I am so turned off by all meat and poultry that I am reduced to pasta and fish. Both meals had this texture problem and were very unenjoyable to eat. My kids had a awful look on their faces and my daughter finally says this chicken is horrible! It happened to me too last night for the first time in my life. The last time I made chicken I splurged and got organic and when it was done the texture was as most are saying rubbery but Id also like to describe it as fatty? If your chicken breasts have been more tough than usual, you're not alone. It isn't a woody texture at all, but it is dubbed just that; woody breast. I bought breasts at Trader Joes. I never had it happen til the last few years and was a store branded one and then a few times Springer chicken. I have been having this issue. Bro this just happened to me. "The advice I'd give to growers to ensure their chickens don't develop woody breasts is to allow their flocks to maintain natural growth patterns. This causes stringy, weird texture. When chicken breasts are overdone, the texture becomes rubbery. These days farmers are able to get chickens to market in 6 weeks. After doing a bit of research into this I found out that many chicken farms are growing their chickens far too fast and it results in their meat hardening like this. Not sure how the market will respond to this unsavory tasting chicken, I know what I have done. So this happened to me with frozen chicken breast that were cooked on the grill. Almost as if it was raw! This is odd yes but consistent with previous chicken breasts cooked prior and why we stopped buying boneless breasts. He sent me my money back and a bunch of coupons which I gave away. Hope American families wise up, its not like we have French oversight checking farmers animals & crops constantly, because they dont want our unhealthy GMOd crap we factually are trying to slip into their country. The random raw textures is still when over cooking @179 degrees. Especially Tyson's chicken. I eat it but it is very concerning. The dishonesty is systemic. I genuinely thought I hadnt cooked it properly. A few here in Charlotte, NC and around the country. no more wal mart. Hopefully chicken farms are seeing these complaints and are considering addressing them! They reimbursed me and sent me a ton of coupons which I just gave away after investigating more on the other issue; the woody breast disease which is brought on by genetic changes in overbred animals. When chicken is cooked for too long, the protein in the meat breaks down and forms a network that makes the meat tough and rubbery. Its just too lucrative for them to alter our industrial food. Could this have something to do with how I'm cooking the meat? I bought chicken from giant and this is the second or third time this has happened from giant brand chicken. I wish I could find a brand of organic chicken breasts that are not crunchy. Just a small correction, amysarah, and not intended personally, since in the past I've noticed some general misperceptions here about kosher chickens: kosher birds are never actually injected with salt water. After breaking down 3 Springer chickens for regular dinner meals in the last few weeks--- and each time when it came to the breasts, the distinctive and unpleasent "rubbery crunch".

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